There's nothing like that feeling you get when you pay money for a magazine that promotes the demonic. As I shared the contents of
this month's TIME magazine with extended family members, there were literally multiple times I had to restrain myself from throwing it into the barrel fire we were enjoying outside my residence.
If you have not yet heard of the "Great Reset", 1. Watch
Michael Matt's August presentation 2. What have you been doing the last 8 months? To be fair, you probably already have a basic material understanding or suspicion of the Great Reset. If you aren't a sucker, you ought to know by now that if Covid-19 wasn't deliberatley made in a lab and released intentionally, people have at least greatly exagerrated both the dealiness of the virus as well as the response it warrants. Why?
Insert the Great Reset. People have anticipated an attempted installation of a "New World Order" by elite secretive globalists for decades (maybe even longer). For those of us easily distracted by the bread and circus of the world (Look, another Avenger's movie!) we dismissed such people as "crazy conspiracy theorists". As the Wuhan virus stuck around into April, many people began to question it's seriousness on outlets such as Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter. We quickly saw a draconian airtight policy crystalize uniformally accross all said platforms; anything that contradicted the CDC was dubbed "dangerous for public discourse" and immediately banned. As this tingled many people's "fascist sense", they began entertaining theories about why this virus was around and played up the way it was. Perhaps the same big tech titans greatly
expanding their fortunes during the Covid Lockdowns weren't just concerned about sparing us from information that could be hazardous to our health.
The same "fringe", "conspiracy", and banworthy New World Order Theories that explained why Covid was so overplayed by the left-wing media, democrat governors, and all of their syncophants is all laid out in plain sight in this month's issue of TIME magazine. After the first half of the magazine (devoted to how to get out your vote), the back half is entirely dedicated to articles detailing how the world is now forced to "re-imagine" a future filled with multi-lateral (globalist) solutions to all of the world's problems. You quickly understand why Joe Biden is committed to destroying the oil industry as you see the "renewable energy sources" touted as the only hope to save the planet from certain made made climate change related destruction (follow the money to see which elitist super billionares will reap the most reward for an investment they have the inside track on). You also will have all the "nutty", "Q-Anon type" theories that the long term solution to Covid and future viruses will require frequent mass vaccination. From critical race theory (did you know that companies that haven't hired black executives are racist?) to a cashless world (all purchases will be traceable for our own good, yay!), to hints of an eventual one world currency by International Monetary Fund chief, Kristalina Georgieva, IT'S ALL THERE!
It is imperative that you do your own homework, as I have only scratched the surface. Of course this magazine doesn't talk about population control and round ups to FEMA camps. It would behoove you not to unsettle people with talk about such things at this time. But you ought to be prepared to have solid conversations with friends and family who don't know what radical changes a handful of super wealthy oligarchs think they have the right to impose upon the entire world in order to multiple their money and power. Globalism threatens our national sovereignty, our basic human freedoms, and our faith itself. Why? Well, as we have seen with the first wave of Covid lockdowns, anything that stands in the way of this agenda is to be locked down and silenced. Until the last small business is closed, the last religious faction that opposes world socialist solutions is shut down, and the will of the people is crushed. Social media was right when they said that downplaying the virus was dangerous... dangerous to the agenda of the Great Reset. Don't wait until it's too late, study up on the Great Reset, share prudently with loved ones, and fight for the sake of your children with everything you have.