If I asked you what the number one market in the world is, what would you answer? If I asked you what the percentage of the national debt is compared to the United States annual GDP, what would you say? Before you read below to find out, ask yourself how many out of 1,000 Americans do you think actually know the answers to each question?
When Gilder wrote “Life after Google”, there was a populist president in power who cared about long term American economic success, America was still in a position to pressure China against its chronic human rights violations and economic warfare, and economic policy in the United States was not yet totally primed for runaway socialist spending with no end in sight. Oh yeah, and there was no virus enabling rounds of now 6 trillion dollars in new debt spent in the guise of “recovery” and “stimulus”.
So when Gilder believed there was an inevitable total solution to the economic problems of 2018 (which were still quite horrible then), he was actually making a reasonable (albeit bold) prediction. What was this solution he wrote about in “Life after Google”? A solution that Libertarian techies created back in 2009, the Bitcoin.
That’s right, “Tea Party” New Balance shoe wearing dads weren’t the only one’s waving the Gadsden flag during Obama’s first year. In 2009, a pseudonymous “Satoshi Nakamoto” created a means to counter the central bankers who have been racking up national debts, causing depressions, investing in both sides in wars, and creating third world countries for the last few hundred years (if this is all new to you, I would suggest starting with “the Creature from Jekyll Island” or Bill Still’s “Money Masters” documentary).
In “Life after Google”, Gilder is intrigued by a few significant aspects regarding crypto-currency. One is that, like gold, it is unhackable. Just as ordinary metal cannot be turned to gold, there is no such thing as crypto-alchemy. Additionally, crypto-currency serves a function beyond the ability of gold: it is an unhackable means to transfer large quantities of wealth instantly across the world. Finally, governments can do very little to control or regulate it. Which means that as long as people choose to recognize the value of unhackable “proofs of work” which detail all accounts of transaction since the creation of the crypto-currency, then inflation, recessions, or depressions should not ruin the value of one’s bitcoin, ethereum, or any other form of crypto. In a world where the wealthiest investors continue to protect their investments by influencing governments to just keep spending and printing more money, this ensures that crypto-currency is a viable asset for anyone with the means to add it to his portfolio. In other words, as long as people continue to believe in crypto, its value should increase the more central bankers continue to wreck the world.
But Gilder is not just intrigued by crypto-currency per se. The same technology responsible for crypto-currency has also created another means of defense against the super-elites and globalists: the Blockchain. Gilder defines the Blockchain as “A database, similar to a cadaster of real estate titles, extended to events, covenants, patents, licenses, or other permanent records. All hashed together mathematically from the origin of the series, each record distributed and publicized on decentralized internet nodes” (Gilder 278. Emphasis added). The blockchain allows for people to engage in transactions, write literature, agree to “smart contracts” with others, etc… without the threat of bad actors compromising any of these things.
For the last 11 years, many have caricatured bitcoin as a means of purchase used by drug dealers and other criminals wishing to do heinous deeds outside of the watch and reach of authorities. On the contrary, crypto-currency and the Blockchain provide hope for righteous resistors to preserve the real written accounts of texts, keep historical records of true transactions, and ultimately, to prove one’s innocence against tyrannical governments. In a world with developing attacks on personal liberties, new “security laws”, and "wrongthinkers" unjustly criminalized, it will become even more important to keep secure records as the burden of proof will shift to those maintaining their innocence against tyrants. And no matter how powerful the new uniparty may become, no matter how immutable their stranglehold of power may seem, we cannot let them change the words to our founding documents, sacred literature, or historical records.
I think Gilder was on to something in 2018 when he believed that Big Tech was on the verge of a “nervous breakdown”. Further, at a time “with debt and other government liabilities mounting to over $100 trillion in the United States alone, bigger than the gross world product of $78 trillion, and with global debt at $257 trillion” (Gilder, 254) why would he not believe that “Governments and investors everywhere should welcome the explosion of creativity in crypto, preparing a new financial system of the world for the moment when the fiat currency bursts at last”? (246)
I’m not yet sure if it is due to incompetence in governments and investors, their narcissism, or perhaps their malevolence, but from where we sit now in 2021, it is clear that saving the world from economic collapse was never important to governments and the top investors. That’s where Gilder erred in his prophesy. Covid allowed an opportunity for governments, central bankers, world elites, and the largest companies in the world to double down and widen the economic gap even further. As Rickards also details,
The stock market and the real economy have never been more detached… e We have the S&P 500 ‘co called’, well it’s really the S&P 7, we know who they are: it’s Facebook, Google, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Tesla, and Netflix. Those seven stocks are 40% of the S&P 500… they are the least affected by the pandemic… small and medium size businesses are 50% of all jobs and 45% of GDP.
No wonder all of the wealthiest owners of the S&P 7 love the political party that favors lockdowns. They accomplish the true aim of every Communist: centralization of power and control for a very few at the expense of the true laborer. Remember Mark Zuckerburg’s
$400 million in donations to "raise voter awareness" combined with his one sided algorithms and “fact checking” all election year long? Screwing Main Street (the working class anti-thesis of Wall Street) was always an acceptable means to centralize more wealth and power for the world-elites. Gilder believed that the “new system of the world” could only succeed by the will of the people. Only if the people would freely participate in it and could be logically convinced of it’s benefit. A whole Covid-19 later, a major boost in the revenues of all of the top Silicon Valley companies while the Karens championed rights crushing lockdowns in exchange for stimulus monopoly money, Netflix “binges” and Amazon orders, and George Gilder was clearly wrong.
Or was he?
Just because it is now harder to see an imminent “day of reckoning” for the bad guys any time soon, this does not mean that all value in crypto-currency, the Blockchain, and the resistor's heart is lost. Is our position weakened? ABSOLUTELY. Our natural means of fighting central bankers, world elites, Google, the great resetters, et al. are weaker today than they were two years ago, obviously. But Bitcoin is still strong. The current live price for bitcoin is nearing $60,000 with a live market cap of over one trillion dollars! As well, the technology of the Blockchain and decentralized data and internet infrastructure is now more valuable than ever.
As desperate and slimy as the world-elites have been with their manipulation of Covid-19, it truly does smack of desperation. And their narcissism will ultimately be their undoing. Every tyrant in humanity’s history has failed to realize that Satan doesn’t give you "power" by way of sin because he loves you. After Diablo is done dividing and conquering, and you are the last one standing, he eats you too. The data is in, consult the history books for confirmation.
And as we have already seen this past year, real fruits will continue to come to those who continue to cling to what is actually solid, true, good, and one, while these strange and heavy winds blow. On a natural level, it’s the entrepreneur’s heart that Gilder believes will trump the manipulative tyrants who surround themselves with flunkies and maintain their power through dehumanization. It is the same spirit that combatants of the new system of the world, such as Peter Thiel, have invested in through initiatives such as the Thiel Fellowship to support the innovations of young techies with sights on taking down the system. Or those at the Universidad Fransisco Marroquin seeking to do the same. It is the courageous spirit found in men who protect themselves and their families from big data voyeours and their transhumanistic agenda. Those who refuse to pay the men putting knives to their backs.
And on the supernatural order, it’s found in those who flee from the new perverse evils in the world and move toward a new level of holiness once they wake up. Those who refuse to roll over to feelings of pessimism over the state of the world, because they know that our calling has never actually been to seek optimism in the face of pessimism. Our calling instead is to seek hope eternal, the virtue by which we look forward at the face of evil and continue to fight more boldly and creatively than before, knowing that our promised reward is the true un-hackable gift that no techno-tyrant can never take away from us: eternal life itself.