“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and mammon.” (Mt. 6:24)
If only this quote were as popular as the misquoted passage from 1 Timothy: “The love of money is the root of all evil” (1 Tim 6:10). People typically leave out the “love of…” part of that quote, which is quite essential when summarizing basic Catholic teaching on the danger of money. There’s nothing wrong with money per se, it’s a temporal good. If no one is harmed, and the money comes in exchange for quality work, clean and smart investments, or even by good fortune… GREAT! There’s a lot of good to be served by having the financial means to bless others, build material things that serve the common good, or even to posses a few beautiful and excellent things. Food and sex are good things too, but disordered and intemperate recourse to them, or any temporal good, is sinful.
St. Thomas Aquinas defined love as “to will the good of another.” (STh I-II, 26, 4) If one loves money or “mammon” (a word charged with the connotations of ill-gotten and gratuitous) that means he is willing to make the sorts of sacrifices to serve money that would be proper to what man owes God and/or his fellow man. When one disregards or even betrays the good of others for the sake of his wealth accumulation, his affinity for stuff, or the health of his portfolio, then he loves money. He serves mammon.
In a world that is falling apart, it shouldn’t be surprising that mammon love is at a high right now. It’s filling private coffers, destroying civilizations to enrich globalists, and it’s often the key to the financial success of churches everywhere.
“A Thing is Happening!”
Over the last decade or so, it has become popular to acknowledge the legitimacy of something by literally saying that it is “a thing”. Or someone might hear about a movement, event, or phenomenon and question how popular, trendy, or permanent it is by asking, “Is that a thing?”. It’s a strange Post-Modern attempt to ascribe legitimacy to what often amounts to half-baked ideas or just recent happenings. But in a society where Supreme Court justices can’t define “woman”, perhaps it’s the closest renaissance of philosophical musings over quiddity we can hope for. I just wish people would grant essence to things that really are legitimate, and not just novel happenings, things that “move the needle”, or whatever is trending on social media.
Along those lines, there have certainly been a lot of “things” developing lately. A lot of inorganic and asinine things. They trend hard on Twitter. They command swaths of clickbaiting headlines from all the podcasters and news outlets. The Hot Take Industrial Complex is burning at both ends right now. Some things are happening, and your attention to them might be your participation in feedback loops that make these things “thing” even harder.
The Trump Indictment
The day of Trump’s indictment, I asked a wealth advisor how the indictment would affect the market. He was surprised by my inquiry, and dismissed it all as “white noise”. I thought that rather odd, as a mere careless comment from Helmut Schlesinger, once head of the Bundesbank in Germany, was the inflection point that George Soros used to short the British Pound in September of 1992.
Why wouldn’t a major rise or fall of any significant international leader cause some segment of the stock market or the international currency trading market to be affected? And this wasn’t just any international leader, this was the most magnanimous politician of our time. Sorosian bad actors build positions, anticipate, and even deliberately help cause such inflection points, in order to hedge or short significant segments of the market ALL THE TIME. It’s literally why many color wars are fomented and financed, semi-privately, by such bad actors throughout the world.
Do you think there weren’t market sharps waiting, or even contributing their own little influence to make the indictment happen, with their respective positions built and ready? When a former Republican President is made an example of by his unbound Marxist political enemies, it’s reasonable to take a closer look at the value of oil, the American dollar, Bitcoin, and guns for starters.
White noise? No, while all the Twitter feed lit up, The Fox News (their stock soared as their loyal viewers needed to hear the latest on Trump) talking heads all took their emotions to level 11, and your social circle chimed in, you heard a thing happening. And you may have even engaged in it in such a way that you were part of “the thing”.
So much for the fate of this nation, where the executive branch’s new role is weapon against the incumbent party’s enemies; the Overworld must feast on all. There is a Meta-verse that must replace reality, an electric car industry that must see high monetary return, 15 minute “smart” cities to build, and new forced vaccines with government contracts to be won by Pfizer and Moderna again. These things are easier to force in a command economy with direct and efficient lines that go from the highest mammon worshipers of the Overworld, through a solidified uni-party, and all the way down to you and your victimized family. Trump and the party that might stand in the way of these investments must go down.
The Bud Light Controversy
For those who have only caught headlines, here’s the summary: a gay man recently felt like he wasn’t getting enough attention on his Tick-Tock feed. So he chronicled a 365 day experiment “as a woman”. Bud Light congratulated him by putting him on a beer can. Since then, Bud Light sales have fallen 26%, their stock has taken a big hit, Kid Rock has shot some Bud Light cans, Travis Tritt pulled Bud Light from his concert tours, and multiple Bud Light executives have been put on leave or fired. A thing is happening.
How does a such a circus actually materialize? Why are these companies willing to risk being the company that “a thing” escalates out of, which may cost them sales and revenue, just to celebrate the LGBT movement? Is it that young CEOs are just so “dumb” and sincerely sympathetic to these causes? No, it has more to do with companies feeling immense pressure from investors pushing ESG’s (good “global citizen” score ) and CEI’s (how woke are you scores). The “Human Rights Campaign” pushes these scores at the backing of investors such as BlackRock, George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, and Disney, among others.
Corporate execs are more afraid to be harassed and called for firing by the “Human Rights Campaign” and other “Woke” pressure groups, than they are to lose sales. Ironically, as you see with Anheuser-Busch, these execs score high “woke scores” just to get fired anyway. Then what’s really going on? What are these pressure groups actually up to? What are they ultimately accomplishing?
If you still don’t understand the nature and significance of Black Wednesday and the crash of the British pound, then you are overdue to study up on the real villainy committed by some elite globalists. It is possible to buy securities in stocks (ETF funds) and to short-sell stocks destined to plummet, just as George Soros once shorted the British pound in 1992. In the case of a currency, it’s even easier to short sell when one has ways to influence a nation and its currency into instability.
The same holds true for publically traded stock. If one can successfully subvert and destabilize a corporation at a relatively low investment cost, then short-selling corporate stocks for a high ROI is child’s play to an elite and unscrupulous investor..
To put it simply, “things” like the Bud Light conundrum are happening because bad actors are forcing corporations to self-sabotage at the altar of “Woke scores”, so that said bad actors can short sell these company stocks once a backlash ensues and the stock falls. They force “wokeness” on companies knowing full well that it will hurt them. That’s the point. A plausible answer to all of this is that they are making stocks volatile on purpose.
While amoral Sorosians “correct the marker” and “win” billions of dollars in what they simply perceive as a “game”, the rest of the world gets to experience the collateral damage of companies losing millions of dollars while consumers are left confused, angry, and disenfranchised. We are so far away from any semblance of an organic market that can actually be explained in terms as simple as “supply and demand” or “the customers’ desires drive available product choices and marketing”. BlackRock’s assets grow beyond their current 8.6 trillion dollar estimates while we get harassed at our corporate America jobs to use “preferred pronouns” and the price of a basket of goods keeps rising. The actual economy and plentiful access to commodities for many be damned.
Someday you need to give up the fantasy that Capitalism is the anti-thesis of Communism. You are treated as an inconsequential play toy in a larger game; “a thing” that is happening above you in the Overworld. And elites are happy to play it in a “free Market” like America, or to posses full control over it through a looming command and control economy where the totalitarianism and vampirism will soon be even more turnkey and far less shrouded. Give it some thought.
Tucker Carlson is Fired
In what regular free market does this happen? Tucker Carlson was the undisputed Heavy Weight Champion of cable television. In an organic market or a time where people didn’t feel compelled by dark outside forces to damage their own product, a news company would broadcast MORE of the dude, not fire him. A five year old can pick up this supply and demand concept by running a Lemonade stand with rotating snacks for a few days. So are the Fox News Execs just stupid? As “stupid” as the democrat party or Anheuser Busch?
At some point we need to credit these errors to moral failings instead of just hammering on the “they’re stupid” button. Fox News was pressured and turned cowherd. Great Resetters hated Tucker Carlson and the resistance he inspires out of his watchers. It’s about the mammon for a few elites. They invested in Carlson’s demise and it eventually yielded a return. Next up, force more electric cars, subversive rainbow movements, loose voter laws, and open boarders down our throats. Whatever gives that elites more money and power. More mammon. It’s not stupidity, it’s greed and force meeting fear and corruption.
Tucker Carlson stood in the way of the mammon worshipers. Frankly, it’s surprising he wasn’t fired sooner. Mammon worshipers have been taking down sincere truth tellers since ancient times. Truth tellers threaten the ill-gotten money and power of the same sorts who mounted charges of “corrupting the youth” against Socrates.
Tucker Carlson briefly held the title of cable television champion, and made out with a near zero "grift factor” (compared to so many other “conservative” talking heads out there). And yes, Tucker Carlson made some sweet money before he got canned, but that’s not mammon on his part. It was apparent in his time on Fox News that he preferred the love of truth over the love of money, which is why he went down. He’s a Post-Modern day Socrates. Good for him.
I’ll never forget when Ben Shapiro spoke at Iowa State University and shared some financial planning advice. Not that there is anything inherently wrong with investing in the stock market (there isn’t), but when I heard his enthusiasm over how well he did putting more and money into successful stocks “during Covid”, it finally hit me that there might be some companies that a lot of conservative influencers will never encourage you to boycott: the ones they have personally invested in.
Afterall, the most successful companies during the pandemic were all FANG and Big Pharma companies. Shapiro doesn’t criticize transhumanist FANG companies much. I’m not sure what’s in Shaprio’s portfolio, but he could very well be one of the millions of conservative men who have had a lot of success “betting” on the “no-brainer” gainers out of Silicon Valley. And while he opposed mandates, Shapiro endorsed the jab and abstained from the kind of Moderna and Pfizer criticism that you heard more of on Joe Rogan or Tim Poole podcasts. Just like so many personalities at Fox News kept doing, Ben told you to get the Covid jab multiple times: “Get vaxxed. I did. My wife did. My parents did.” . He should know his audience better, right? It just makes me wonder, what’s in his portfolio?
Ben has gone after Bud Light since the Mulvaney/Bud Light partnership, but why aren’t outlets like the Daily Wire sparking more boycotts? June is coming up. Why don’t we target Target?
Three years ago, Matt Walsh put together a well written article exposing the vile nature of Cardi B’s number one hit of 2020, “WAP” (Wet A** P****). The Daily Wire missed a great opportunity to spark a boycott, probably as deserved as this Bud Light boycott, of McDonald’s for carrying a Cardi B themed meal this past year. As Shapiro said in the same Iowa State speech,“Woke must be destroyed”. It’s nice to see the Daily Wire, and other outlets condemn Bud Light’s transgender agenda, but why not go after the WAPPY meal while we’re at it?
I don’t know if these guys have stock in McDonald’s, in fact, the odds are they probably don’t. Specifically following the Bud Light story probably has more to do with the compulsion journalists feel to cover stories that stick (and this Bud Light story has stuck!). But since the topic of boycotts and the responsibilities of conservatives is on the table right now, why don’t we challenge ourselves to take the momentum of the Bud Light boycott and go further?
This June, let’s keep a running list of all the companies we need to dump into the harbor. Let’s not stop at a product that has already always been marketed as the binge drink, sexualize women, and party beer. Let’s dump the drag queen pornography books written for kids, the football league that calls football gay, and even the stocks we hold in “woke” companies. Carthago Delenda Est.
San Damiano
Many people know a lot about the "post-conversion" St. Francis, but not many know the true St. Francis “back-story”. Yes, they know that he was once a rambunctious youth always looking for a good time and a fight. People also know that he gave up his inheritance, became a friar, and founded the Fransiscan order. What’s interesting is the interim phase, when Francis dreamed that God called him to “Rebuild [His] Church”. In response, St. Francis mistakenly began rebuilding the old and dilapidated San Damiano chapel.
When Francis could not finance this reconstruction, he began stealing and selling his fathers stocks; fine clothing. Chalk that up to St. Francis’ poor formation admixed with a youthful over-zealousness. Upon his father taking him before their local bishop, Francis renounced his inheritance and completed his conversion.
Surely there were patrons who were actually called to rebuild the San Damiano chapel, but Francis soon realized that God had bigger plans for him than to simply rebuild a church, and certainly not with money obtained in the wrong way. Saint Francis went on to establish a religious order and convert hundreds of men and women with little more on him than a cloak, a tonsure, his bare feet, and lots of grace. He rebuilt the Church.
I pray that the current pontiff, who was bold enough to take this same St. Francis’ name, can have the same courage to clear house of all the Jeffery Sachs, the Melinda Gates, and any organization who either directly or indirectly pays financial tribute to the Holy See in exchange for influence over the Vatican. Because a St. Peter’s Basilica financed by members of the WEF is a church brought to you by mammon and paid for with the faith of betrayed Catholics.
I similarly pray that all clergy, if they physically rebuild their churches, they do so with the cleanest money, and that they always keep, as the highest priority, rebuilding piety and faith among the Mystical Body of Christ (the Church).
A Scandal
Two years ago, the Cathedral in my diocese hosted a Covid vaccine drive. Outside the church were big black signs reading, “Vacunas!”, (Spanish for Vaccines) overshadowing the church’s patron saint statue and other liturgical ornaments proper at a Catholic Church. The event was co-sponsored by “Herozona” who was partnering with a very pro LGBT group called “One Community AZ”; “a coalition of socially responsible businesses, organizations and individuals who are moving diversity, inclusion, equity and equality…”.
A few other men and I approached the pastor after a Sunday mass, one week before the event. This priest hadn’t considered the stress many men in our community were under by being pressured at their workplaces to take a morally questionable and potentially dangerous experimental gene re-programming drug. When we asked what scandal it might cause to legitimize this pressure by hosting such an event, he dismissed our concern out of hand. Another man appealed to pity for HEK 293, the aborted baby from which the fetal cells were extracted that have been used in the production of many vaccines, and were used during the testing phase for the Moderna and Pfizer shots. That was enough for this priest. He appealed to the Church’s approval of the Pfizer and Moderna shots and then told us that he had to “tend to [his] flock.” He walked away, very clearly upset.
What a big scandal the whole thing turned into. At the Cathedral'sfirst vaccination event, the Johnson and Johnson shot was offered. That was the one Covid shot that even the Vatican couldn’t give a pass to for “remote participation”. It was made using ill obtained aborted fetal cell lines, and not just in the testing phases like the Moderna and the Pfizer shots. But that scandal was quickly publicized.
The scandal that has been kept relatively quiet occured at the second vaccination event at the same church. There, a group of around 20 Catholics (the present author included) were formally trespassed by the third party running the vaccination event, followed by the pastor backing the police who forced us to the sidewalks. Initiated Catholics praying rosaries on a Catholic church campus were told to leave by the likes of Herozona and One Community AZ, and it was ultimately backed by the pastor.
Sources confirmed that Herozona paid a significant sum of money to be there and deliver those vaccines. At that same time, this church was going through significant renovation that required some substantial coin. What's the price of some betrayed initiated Catholics?
Contact me and I will be glad to provide the names of multiple eye witnesses who can corroborate these events. I regret my naivety in believing that it was more noble to keep silence, publicly, than to allow such events to further scandalize people. The truth will set you free. If you want to know more, I will be glad to share in even greater detail.
How are we Financing our San Damianos?
The example above was a significant scandal. But there are minor scandals that happen frequently, even in the most conservative Catholic communities, in order to finance church programs, buildings, and renovations. Sometimes money is raised by dubious means.
Sometimes people know better, and other times this is done with no guile to be sure. When Catholic high schools host fundraising auctions that push a high volume of alcohol (it's amazing what inebriated people bid), the new football helmets are ill-financed. When churches sell Amazon scrip to raise funds, parishioners are supporting a company that provides abortion vacations to their employees. Most probably don’t know better on that one, but it’s probably time to know better. And while it may be minor, when a Catholic church auctions off parking spaces, doesn’t that seem a bit like “The first shall be first?” In all sincerity, surely there are other means available to raise funds?
We need to build the larger Church (The Mystical Body of Christ) through growth in personal sanctity and by evangelization. If we have physical churches to build or renovate too, I pray we can do so by personally taking part in the construction and finance these projects with money generated through participation in a robust local economy that we are actively part of. Let’s build and participate in a parallel market that organically represents a real economy and the fair exchange of quality goods and services. Let’s maintain relationships with freedom loving families and entrepreneurs working to resist the reset and the crushing force of Blackrock, Soros, and other mammon worshiping investors. Let not us, or the churches we give to, depend upon the coins these villains leave us when we invest in the companies they have forced to wave the rainbow flag and to finance women’s abortions.
Honey, not Vinegar
At the end of the day, Communism has to be fought somewhere, somehow. Particular battles must be picked, engaged in, and won, just like any war. And when our ability to fight the Communist takeover through the voting booth has already been robbed of us, it’s nice to see some momentum on a battlefield where we can still exercise some power. Choose boycotting because it might be the only real political weapon we have left. So, by all means, keep boycotting Bud Light. I hope the Daily Wire and similar outlets go even harder at Bud Light. But, let’s aim even higher! Why stop at this battle? Let’s go after some more! “Woke must be destroyed!”
On the Macro level, mind the commotion temperately and resist the bread and circus. It’s important to stay informed, but don’t dwell online Twitter warring or Corporate News binging over the latest developing “things”. Avoid being an accessory to globalist bad actor’s mammon worship. Know the “things” that are going on in the world, but prioritize your prayer life and practice of steady asceticism over being part of these “things.”
On the micro-level, let’s go rebuild the Church, i.e. the larger Mystical Body of Christ, each one of us according to our own humble vocations. Let’s evangelize and share true hope and joy in a dark world today. And if we are called to rebuild the proverbial San Damiano chapel (it was indeed rebuilt and made into a convent), let’s take pride in doing it the right way; financed by the cleanest of coffers and inspidered by hearts to match.