There is an affliction American conservatives suffer from today. We have been suffering from it for a long time. It poisons our minds and leaves us weak and vulnerable. The affliction we suffer from is simple: we don’t understand our enemy.
No, I don’t mean “we don’t understand our enemy” the way a teenage daughter might charge her father with not understanding her. In fact, I think such is one of the fallacious images conservatives often paint when they think about the modern “liberal” (true liberalism is dead, there are mostly just aggressive leftists now). The whiny child. This is a grave error.
While the “triggered”, young, AOCesque-big-crazed-eyed, blue haired, girl with a Starbucks coffee (aged 16 to 28) is indeed “on the other team”, she is only a caricature when compared to the whole of who we are up against. In fact, she is really just a brainwashed foot soldier. We do poor scouting if the final general image we make of our enemy is a fanatic grunt. Yet, it seems like young conservative commentators like Ben Shapiro can’t stop talking about these side-show “snowflakes”. Yes, it is worrisome that many of them have now become full fledged Kristallnacht Brown Shirts. They burn loot and murder in order to receive “reparations” for the money they haven’t earned with their Gender Studies degrees. Nevertheless, they pale in comparison to the real powerful bad guys.
Oh, yeah the real powerful bad guys. The older conservatives believe they know exactly who those people are. That’s when they point to a bunch of old “crazies” in the Democrat party and say, “there are the bad guys. All of those insane people in power”. True, crusting sock puppets wearing suits (sometimes suit pants) are definitely able to do a lot of damage. Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, for example, do extra damage because of the scandal they cause as “Catholics” who vote in favor of babies being turned around in the birth canal to have their brains stabbed with scissors. In that sense, they certainly have power. But at the end of the day, these people are just useful idiots. A “president” who might have to pre-emptively cancel himself when all the green haired smelly people finally realize they cheated to put into office a beneficiary of white, cis-gender, heterosexual privilege is not, in fact, a powerful man in his own right.
Well if those characters seen on the news aren’t the real opposition, then who is? The “Karens” at the grocery store who tell me to put a mask on? I mean, after all, it was the suburban women who couldn’t get over Trump’s personality and stupidly voted in Biden, right? Dog gone it, who is our enemy?
Let’s start with the obvious answer and work our way down. Those of us who are faithful conservative Christians, especially us conservative Catholics, know that public enemy number one is Satan. This is a healthy perspective. I thank God that I am in a community of people who understand this and understand the battle that first must be fought in every man’s soul in order to stand against the devil and his never resting demons. I am further thankful to have strong men in my community who speak regularly in terms of demonic influence and the fight we must wage especially in our culture. I just learned the names of Satan’s top five generals. I am surrounded by people who, ultimately, get it.
But I challenge all who read this article to stop and think, “How wide is the gap between the caricature communist kid, the democrat politician, et al. and Satan and his Generals?” I argue that it is significanty wide. The people we believe fully represent the opposition are too incompetent, drone-like, and stupid to rank immediately under Satan and his generals. In other words, if Leviathan is one of Satan’s generals, There is no way you can convince me that Andrew Cuomo, Gavin Newsome, and their “woke” Karen and ANTIFA fare the Colonels.
I argue that there are two units that rank significantly higher than the “snowflakes”, the democrats, and definitely the “Karens”. They should be the group that captures our concen and attention, not the people who canceled Mr. Potato head and Dr. Seuss. Please do not get distracted by headlines about these side-shows.
The first group is “Big Tech”. One thing that I think is important about Big Tech is that Big Tech needs to be “broken down” in order to understand who exactly they are and how to “fight” them. We saw what Google, Amazon, and Apple were able to do to Parler once they all conspired together against freedom, conservatives, and basically everything you hold dear. We saw all of the gas lighting starting with the Covid virus when Youtube and Facebook habitually blocked any content about the virus that even remotely contradicted the “de-facto” practical “Magisterial authority” on science, Dr. Faucci and the CDC. Such content was deemed “too dangerous for public discource” to be allowed. I remember asking back in April of 2020 how soon it would be before conservatives were deemed “too dangerous for public discourse”. I was called an idiot by people whose opinions I no longer care about (wow I sure traded a lot of worldly friends for other-worldly friends this past year).
Even this is only the surface for how menacing “Big Tech” actually is. Right now, the top computer minds in Silicon Valley are also the darkest trans-humanist, techno-Utopian cultists you could possibly imagine. I cannot do justice to the horrors these men are getting closer and closer to being able to carry out in this article alone. Please check out my articles on Trans-humanism and “Big Brother Sauron is Watching” if you have not done so already. Also, another article that really explores the race to form the techno “new system of the world” is coming soon.
In the meantime, what do we do to fight these monsters? Well, if you are too caught up in believing that the bad guys are just the foot soldier communists and the ones that wear suits and look like game show hosts, then you are probably still using the same social media, the same Google search, and all the other apps made by guys collecting every bit of data about you, like voyeurs, just to stab you in the back with it. So maybe start with working on a Big Tech exit plan.
Another group that has recently exposed themselves is the World Economic Forum. A recent Time magazine article, reviewed by the present site, highlighted their chilling agenda. We have moved beyond the threat that only your “crazy uncle” knew about (well, you called him crazy before Covid) when he rambled on about the UN, the New World Order, Agenda 21 and “sustainable development”, and FEMA camps ever since the 70’s. The World Economic Forum has already told us that we should all expect to be property-less within the next 10 years and like it. They have already told us that, with the Great Reset, Capitalism needs to be re-figured, everyone needs to take the vaccine(s), and Racial Critical Theory is here to stay and make you and your old white rear end fade into irrelevance forever.
How do we respond to these guys? Way too many of us respond by continuing to shop at Walmart (CEO featured in the Great Reset issue by Time magazine, by the way) and Amazon, while leaving our money in the same Bank of America that handed over all of the personal information of people in Washington DC on January 6th to the FBI.
How ought we to respond to these guys!!?? As my good buddy recently said, “Stop giving money to the guy putting a knife to your back!” I will take it one step further, you may not be able to “hurt” Big Tech and the Great Reseters, but I promise you that you will find tremendous consolation in knowing that you hit them back.
When you go along with the idea that the enemy just composed of Satan, woke kids, and democrats, you gravely underestimate Satan. Additionally, you allow yourself to be convinced that the enemy really is stupid, incompetent, and crazy. And when you do that, it becomes impossible to fight. How does one fight “stupid America who voted in a horrible democrat again!” It’s really hard to muster up the strength to fight “crazy and stupid”. You feel powerless when you can’t even figure out how dumb your neighbor could have been. It then becomes easy to just retreat into your home and either watch Ben Shapiro comment on how ridiculous “the left” is for canceling Mr. Potato Head or you watch Tucker Carlson rip on how obnoxious Aunt Nancy was as she ate gourmet ice cream while talking about how the plebs need to suck it up. And then you shake your head, blow off some steam in front of your wife and think you just did all you could really do. After all, how do you fight stupid, especially when stupid feels invincible?
Don’t allow yourself to be part of the controlled opposition. Don’t be tricked! If you haven’t fully gotten off of Facebook and Twitter, do it, before you feed the enemy anymore data about who you and other resistors are and how you think. If you haven’t checked your local Catholic Yellow pages, check it out. I might know where you can find a copy.
Finally, please do take advantage of those opportunities you have to work and fight alongside other men who know who the Generals are and are willing to man up and fight them. And if they don’t know who the officers are in the middle, direct them to great resources like Church Militant, Lepanto Institute, the Gadfly Report and others so that they can better understand the enemy too.
God Bless,